Thursday, 2 April 2015

5 Top Graffiti Artists from the GTA!

Everyone has heard of Graffiti, but could you honestly list anyone from the GTA who has made a name for themselves partaking in this form of art? No, well good thing you’ve got me here to list the 5 Top Graffiti Artists that have roots in the GTA! 

As a resident of Toronto I’ve seen many pieces of Graffiti and every once in a while you come across something spectacular. A Graffiti Artist that speaks to you through his/her art. 

Here is lists of the 5 Top Graffiti Artists that I feel have some amazing talent:

5. Joel Richardson:   Over the past few years, Joel's slowly transformed a Junction railway underpass (near DuPont and Lansdowne) into a massive mock-shrine. He is considered one of Toronto's more eccentric street artists who is most famous for his stencils and poster art.

(CBCNews, 2015)

4. LISTEN:   Has been very successful over the past few years in getting this human-sized throw-up of a bird up around the city of Toronto.

(BlogTO, 2015)

3. ANSER:   Known as the "Mysterious Date," these faces show off ANSER's ability to fuse "high art" portrait techniques with street-graffiti bombing tactics. His work has also made it into gallery settings from time to time.

(Sarah Al-Hage, 2015) 

2. POSER:    In 2012, Toronto witnessed POSER's bunnies hopping around town. Appearing in prime locations all over the GTA his bunnies have been described as “pretty fresh”.

(BlogTO, 2015)

1. ELICSER: Said to be alternately dark, mysterious, brooding, and beautiful, it's hard to imagine T.O.'s graffiti scene without ELICSER's stunning and effective portraits.

(Jenkin Au, 2015)

Which Graffiti Artist would you say is you favorite form this list? Are there any other Graffiti Artists that you would like to see on a future list?

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