Thursday, 19 March 2015

A review of the graffiti in New York

I don’t need to tell you it looks good because, after all, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. In this post I’ll show you why in an urban art gallery.
  •  Level of difficulty.

By (gsz, 2012)
Here you can see an ENTIRE building covered by graffiti. The level of difficulty on some of their works is just amazing. Sure you can say it’s not that hard to do this with lifts and so, but I’d like to see you get up on one of those and make something like this.

  • .       The audacity

Original source page dead (aponderingmind, 2013)
Graffiti is obviously done behind the shadows, but when it comes to choosing where they put it these New Yorkers don’t hold anything back. Covering an entire building was already ridiculous enough. What about this city train? I’m not complaining though. I like it.

  • Feelings

(mercurlaln, 2006)
Some of these artists pour their soul onto their work, and it shows. These aren’t just your typical graffiti writings anymore. This is a way to express themselves.

  • The creativity

(WallInPalestine, 2014)
Sure you can say that all art is creative. But this one is creative creative.

  •  It looks good

(Patrice785000, 2008)
Did I say I wasn’t going to tell you it looks good? Well it does. And that wraps up our urban art gallery.

Is there anywhere else on the world with better graffiti? Where and why?

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