Thursday, 16 April 2015

Last Blog Post

Now that this competition in our class is over it now time for this blog to come to a close.
So that why we are going to end it with another video which would be the reflection of our work.

And also the video is to be a reflection presentation of the Competition done in our Digital Marketing Class at Sheridan College Davis campus

So sit back and enjoy the video.

Friday, 10 April 2015

Who is your favorite Street Artist?

Who is your favorite Street Artist?
There are a number of Street Artist in this world who are either famous worldwide or they are considered ‘underground’ and local. Personally my favorite Street Artist is OMEN; he has been hitting the streets of Montreal since the 90’s and has made a name for himself as a unique artist. His artwork is one like I have never seen before, it is very versatile. Seeing as Black & White art is my personal favorite OMEN hits it on the nose for me.  

Here is my favorite piece from OMEN:
(OMEN, 2015)

Being as I am always looking for beautiful art pieces I would love to hear who your favorite Street Artist is as well as your favorite piece from them…

Thursday, 9 April 2015

What The Meaning of Stencil Graffiti

I wonder how graffiti artist make stencil graffiti. I know what it is it like stamping on paper. But I don’t how stamp for graffiti stencil are made???

Especially the size of the image I’m curious about that too?
If you can tell more about it be able to talk about it more maybe even enjoy make one myself.

Do you have the answer to my questions graffiti artist or any artist or anyone who know. 

Answer and explain any of the following questions:

·         How did they make the images to use as stamps?
·         Do you use stencil graffiti?
·         What do use Stencil graffiti for? And why did you choose it?
·         What do you like about stencil graffiti?
·         What tool and material can you use for graffiti stencil?

Can you answer my next questions? If so stay tune for more question. If you question too post them so they can be answer too about graffiti.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

SMC Video: Samantha

Link to explore New York Graffiti Artist

Have you ever been to a new city or town and thought ‘gosh I would love to see some of their culture or artwork’? Well you’re in luck if you are going to New York anytime soon because New York Graffiti Artists are featured everywhere.  New York is one of the number one places to go and see some beautiful Graffiti. They have so many amazing pieces that they have a tour you can go on where they show you the best of the best in Graffiti.

Here is a link for all of you to check out: 

(Free Tours by Foot, 2015)

Who is your favorite New York Graffiti Artist??
If anyone goes on this free tour let us know how it was and post, post, post LOTS of pictures!! :D

Monday, 6 April 2015

Graffiti Sketches Is Another Way To Do Graffiti

Graffiti is not just for Spray Painting Artists but also for artists who can do graffiti sketches.

No matter what graffiti is on it is amazing. Graffiti is not only for people who only have the skills to spray paint no not at all! It also goes for other skills of an artist like if you’re a painter artist you can make graffiti with regular paint with a paint brush if you’re a sketch artist you can do graffiti in your sketches and that for any other artist out there. Graffiti can be done on almost anything. Graffiti artist ideas or samples from other form of art images or text and spray on a wall making any art can become graffiti.

 © Licensed under Creative Commons: 2012 Mocks photography

Graffiti Sketches is another way artistes can keep track or samples of their work and is a good way to practice and have fun so you can take it with you since it’s on portable paper and share to your friend and others that admire art or graffiti.

These are some interesting links I found for these categories feel free to check them out. 

Graffiti Sketches
Graffiti Paint
Another interesting link
Graffiti Pastel for kids
3D graffiti poster

Show us your links of graffiti art use on a form of media like graffiti on cardboard using tools and material that doesn't involve spray paint.

   Addition: This is  one of our Infographic
The tiny text says Graffiti rules through time, in the time of the Cavemans, Egyptians and other past generations, the present and future.  

Find, Visit, Follow and Like us on Twitter GraffitiArtistBlog @GraffitiArtBlog and Facebook Graffiti artist Blog

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Urban movement: Get free graffiti supplies

There’s a group called Pishermanwalabiway and they want to start an urban movement. They were doing pretty well by just themselves, but they want others to help them. So they thought of giving away some free graffiti supplies. If you’ve wanted to try doing graffiti but don’t have supplies, then this is the post for you.

1st Taken on March 30, 2011 by (allchrome, 2011)
The first thing they’re giving away in terms of free graffiti supplies is spray paint. They’ve got TONS of them. All you have to do is spread the word, and of course actually use these for graffiti.

2nd uploaded on October 16, 2006 by (Nlenkerk, 2006)

 You don’t want your work to be sloppy, so you should practice first. Luckily they’re also giving away spare scraps of wood.

3rd Taken on June 27, 2009 (Humayunn, 2009)
Now you want some markers to outline your work. While they are giving them out, they don’t have that many. So you should hurry up and get some.

4th published November 19, 2014 by BuellRider (BuellRider, 2014)
Pishermanwalabiway can be found around Sydney Australia, New York USA, and Markham Canada. You can easily identify them wearing orange hoodies with black stripes.
Do you think Pishermanwalabiway should be doing this? Why or why not?

Thursday, 2 April 2015

5 Top Graffiti Artists from the GTA!

Everyone has heard of Graffiti, but could you honestly list anyone from the GTA who has made a name for themselves partaking in this form of art? No, well good thing you’ve got me here to list the 5 Top Graffiti Artists that have roots in the GTA! 

As a resident of Toronto I’ve seen many pieces of Graffiti and every once in a while you come across something spectacular. A Graffiti Artist that speaks to you through his/her art. 

Here is lists of the 5 Top Graffiti Artists that I feel have some amazing talent:

5. Joel Richardson:   Over the past few years, Joel's slowly transformed a Junction railway underpass (near DuPont and Lansdowne) into a massive mock-shrine. He is considered one of Toronto's more eccentric street artists who is most famous for his stencils and poster art.

(CBCNews, 2015)

4. LISTEN:   Has been very successful over the past few years in getting this human-sized throw-up of a bird up around the city of Toronto.

(BlogTO, 2015)

3. ANSER:   Known as the "Mysterious Date," these faces show off ANSER's ability to fuse "high art" portrait techniques with street-graffiti bombing tactics. His work has also made it into gallery settings from time to time.

(Sarah Al-Hage, 2015) 

2. POSER:    In 2012, Toronto witnessed POSER's bunnies hopping around town. Appearing in prime locations all over the GTA his bunnies have been described as “pretty fresh”.

(BlogTO, 2015)

1. ELICSER: Said to be alternately dark, mysterious, brooding, and beautiful, it's hard to imagine T.O.'s graffiti scene without ELICSER's stunning and effective portraits.

(Jenkin Au, 2015)

Which Graffiti Artist would you say is you favorite form this list? Are there any other Graffiti Artists that you would like to see on a future list?

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

SMC Video: The 3d Graffiti Art Video

Why tell when I can show you how amazing 3D graffiti art is.
Sit back and enjoy this awesome video!

How Awesome Is 3D Graffiti Art

How awesome is 3D graffiti art because to me I’m interested and amazed of see these masterpieces that I want to review them.      

If you graffiti artist of any statist then you have the duty to review other people master piece too and this is the place to start if have it been doing so. There are lots of awesome 3D graffiti here and my reviews to go with them so see and read some my review. Who knows If you’re a graffiti artist it could be your work that getting reviewed.

This is cool and awesome because its 3D graffiti and there is a nice picture of a skeleton face hiding behind a wall created with graffiti on an actual wall and the skeleton peeping through the hole in the wall watching whoever comes by.
The edges, tone, shape, color, form, and lining is creative, they all balance and blend well along with awesomeness.

Send or show me awesome 3D graffiti that you found or you did so we can review it.

And check out the awesome 3D graffiti art video beside this page it really awesome and cool. It was created by one of the group members of this blog. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

How street graffiti art saved me

I was going through a real rough time nearing the end of 2012. I was in my first year of college. I was in programming back then. My dad died, I wasn’t used to the teachers not caring at all, and most important of all the world was going to end according to the Mayans.
I was so stressed but I got along day to day. I basically cut all ties with my friends and talked to nobody in my classes. The only way I could express myself was those empty codes I typed into my laptop.
System.out.println(“hello world”);
Until one day I decided, I wanted to get myself on this planet. So I started making street graffiti art. It relieved a lot of my stress as I emptied those cans of spray paint. I made many works but they all sucked. That didn’t matter though. All that mattered was that I finally felt one with the earth.

(TheUpstairsRoom, 2004)
Of course the world didn’t end in hindsight, that’s how street graffiti art saved me.

How has graffiti helped you in any way?

Monday, 30 March 2015

Where did Banksy Art come from?

‘Banksy’, whose real identity is unknown, got his start in the streets of England and is now featured all over the world. Not only can his artwork be seen on many walls around the world, Banksy Art has also been featured in movies, galleries and music videos. His pieces are very deep and they relate to many people whether it is political, social or ethical views Banksy is not afraid to let his feeling resonate through his art. Here are some photos of Banksy Art:

(Vidar, 2015)

 (BBC News, 2015)

(Sarah Jordan, 2015)           

(Timothy L. DeGeorge, 2015)

Do you think Banksy Art is only this famous because he is a ‘ghost’ in the Graffiti world?

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Graffiti Creator?

Who wonder what graffiti creator is? Look in this blog and you’ll know and envision the masterpiece of graffiti on graffiti creator. Here is what your graffiti could look like on this program it even be fun for kids since they like art. If anyone knows kids who are bored tell them about this program.

Graffiti creator is like actual graffiti but a software program that let you graffiti on your computer and that a good thing since you won’t be charged for vandalism and could also be good practice if you have the skills and determination to do so.

Check out this links for idea:

Tell what you may have so we can find the answer for it.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Where can I learn graffiti?

I’ve been interested by graffiti lately. And by interested, I mean spent about 5 hours just looking at galleries. I asked a couple of my friends that used to do graffiti to teach me, but they’ve turned new leaves and won’t.

(felipower, 2011)
I could just research all this, but that’s boring and takes more work than writing a blog post. So right to the point, where can I learn graffiti? Do graffiti teachers exist? If not will anyone at least be willing to teach me? I’d prefer if they could do it for free but I am willing to pay. If any of you readers know anything, hit me up.

About my friends’ turning new leaves: do you agree with them? Is graffiti a bad thing?

Friday, 27 March 2015

How to be taken seriously as a Female Graffiti Artists?

As you may or may not be aware, Graffiti is mainly considered a man’s art. This is 100% not the case. There are many Female Graffiti Artists who are just trying to get their art out there but they are not taken as seriously as the male Graffiti artists.  So how does a Female Graffiti Artist get taken seriously by society? GET OUT THERE! Yes it is that simple. Get your art out there and show them that women can spray just as good if not better than any man. So ladies grab your spray can and pick a wall because a movement has been started.

(Piper Weiss, 2015)

Post your favorite Female Graffiti Artist :D and join the movement!!

Thursday, 26 March 2015

What Story Can You Make With Wall Graffiti Or Any Surface Graffiti?

There are graffiti images out there that look like it’s trying to tell people something like the image’s action trying to tell us a story or give an idea what going on.

Here you would see wall graffiti and other art graffiti I turn to a short story because of the message it sent.

                          The Rapper Who Woke Every Body in the Neighborhood

Let wakeup everybody in the house! And wave your hand like you just don’t care! When this rapper and his hommies woke every the neighborhood with their hip hop rap pin well some join in and the rest complain since it was the middle of the night and the ones who complain through stuff but they were out of reach all they can do was shout which didn’t do since the music was loud so there only one thing to do and that was to CALL 911 That right Cops! When the cop arrive they go into the music dancing with their eye closed and when they snap out of it everybody was gone but the tunes in their head and the magic loud boom box that distracted them. The End!

The Curious Lizard who Crawl up to Heaven

The was a day were the a small yellow skinny lizard decided to be curious on what lies behind the clouds somehow the lizard found a very long pole and climb it with his suction cup feet and tail when he mission his way up to the pole that lead to the end above the clouds he saw but a bit strange a yellow car and he curious on what the car taste like so he stuck his tongue and it turn out it was a portal to another world. The small lizard decided to explore the new world hoping to be curious and taste testing what he sees. FIN!

If you’re an artist make and tell us your story of an image and stay tune for the next story.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Some of the best modern art galleries in Toronto

While looking up graffiti, I came across this link listing modern art galleries.

(Flack, 2014)

Here’s a basic rundown for the lazy, but visit the link for more information.
  1. MOCCA - Dundas
  2. The power plant – South Core
  3. Mercer Union – Bloor Street West
  4. Art metropole – Dundas West
  5. Scrap metal gallery – Dublin Street
  6. Daniel Faria -
  7. Jessica Bradley Annex – Miller Street
  8. Cooper Cole – Cooper Cole

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

The Most Famous Graffiti Artists of all time (in my eyes)!

Now there is a hella long list of Graffiti artists, and I mean LONG! But in this post will be a review of who I think are the most Famous Graffiti Artists. Now I too have a LONG list of artists who I feel are amazing at Graffiti but when it comes to who the most Famous Graffiti Artists are I can only really bring up 2-3 names:

  Revok:          Also known as Jason Williams, he is LA’s most wanted by not only police but any and everyone who has a passion for Graffiti! His art work is famous all around the world and he has been featured in many galleries and art shows.

(LA Taco, 2015)  

Lady Pink:        Also known as Sandra Fabara is a Graffiti artist from NYC whose story is almost as compelling as her artwork. As a young woman Lady Pink lost her boyfriend due to deportation so to try and deal with her grief she started tagging her boyfriend’s name all around NYC. This lead to her career as Lady Pink becoming the most photographed and interviewed Graffiti artist of her time.

(The Daily Drink, 2015)

Dondi:              Now Dondi is on my list because not only was his art about a movement, his art touched millions of people around the world before and after his passing. Dondi was a New York based artist who frequently traveled around the world to speak to people about AIDS. His movement was felt worldwide and his death was a shock to millions.

(The Boiler House, 2015)

Who would you add to this list as the most Famous Graffiti Artists of all time??

Monday, 23 March 2015

Welcome to Graffiti hip hop Town

If you’re all about the hip and the hop then this the blog to checkout as there is are some cool hip graffiti to see.

Graffiti hip hop is cool you would images and graffiti fonts that represent coolness, rap,  rappers, music, and accessories, science fiction, real life people, cartoon, atmosphere and more. Hip Hop is a popular street culture in society that will continue to remain for generations.
Here’s a list of 4 of some of the coolest graffiti hip hop examples:

© Licensed under Creative Commons: 2011Tiws photography

Was it some of the coolest graffiti hips hop you ever seen? If so give a feedback and show me your coolest Graffiti that you found.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Where can I find a graffiti store?

Unfortunately there are no physical graffiti stores (none that I know of anyway). You’ll have to deal with online retail and there’s a LOT of those. I recommend going with They basically have everything you need.
·      Markers to outline your work
·         Spray paint to complete it
·         Spray paint caps so you can adjust how thick you want your lines


On top of that they also have good deals pretty much every day. You do have to pay for shipping, but on the bright side they do it pretty quickly (2-5 business days)
If you don’t have a credit card, debit visas are accepted.
You can of course just go to different general shops to buy supplies separately.

My question for you is this: Does the world need physical graffiti stores?

Saturday, 21 March 2015

How The Graffiti Artist came about...

Imagine your passion is art and you live in NYC in the late 60’s. What an amazing place for an artist to be, it was the “American Dream” and TAKI 183 was ‘living the dream’. He was a young artist who worked as a foot messenger all around NYC. This is where The Graffiti Artist came about; as he walked he couldn’t help but write his ‘tag’ everywhere he went. TAKI 183 was all around NYC and was quickly catching on by other artists. His tag gave inspiration to many other artists to hit the streets and display their art. If TAKI 183’s tag is considered how The Graffiti Artist came about would the romans not be the Graffiti Artists of their time??

(Παρασκευή,2015)                                                                             (Παρασκευή,2015)

Friday, 20 March 2015

Graffiti Text is Word Style Fonts

There are many styles of graffiti text the can look good on any graffiti with designs. This blog is to  give its audience tips or ideas on what they can use for the graffiti or art work.
                    © Licensed under Creative Commons: 2011 Andres Musta photography

Graffiti text is using any style of word fonts and decorated and reforming it and adding pictures to them to make artistes graffiti work more unique and different with its own quality. These are some suggestion for graffiti text idea for your art piece
Chiller Font
Freestyle Script font
Cooper Black font
Impact font
Algerian Font

Word can send message or identify which why their used in graffiti a lot of the time.
This link points out good styles fonts use for graffiti feel free to check it out.

Let us know if these tips were interesting or useful.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

A review of the graffiti in New York

I don’t need to tell you it looks good because, after all, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. In this post I’ll show you why in an urban art gallery.
  •  Level of difficulty.

By (gsz, 2012)
Here you can see an ENTIRE building covered by graffiti. The level of difficulty on some of their works is just amazing. Sure you can say it’s not that hard to do this with lifts and so, but I’d like to see you get up on one of those and make something like this.

  • .       The audacity

Original source page dead (aponderingmind, 2013)
Graffiti is obviously done behind the shadows, but when it comes to choosing where they put it these New Yorkers don’t hold anything back. Covering an entire building was already ridiculous enough. What about this city train? I’m not complaining though. I like it.

  • Feelings

(mercurlaln, 2006)
Some of these artists pour their soul onto their work, and it shows. These aren’t just your typical graffiti writings anymore. This is a way to express themselves.

  • The creativity

(WallInPalestine, 2014)
Sure you can say that all art is creative. But this one is creative creative.

  •  It looks good

(Patrice785000, 2008)
Did I say I wasn’t going to tell you it looks good? Well it does. And that wraps up our urban art gallery.

Is there anywhere else on the world with better graffiti? Where and why?